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Future Founders Program
An intensive training program
for future startup founders

The Future Founders Program is a free, intensive 4-month course that uses a unique training method to provide key guidance to those taking their first steps into the world of entrepreneurship.

What it means to be a founder will be experienced first-hand by the 60 selected aspiring entrepreneurs who will have to form 15 teams of four, create real startups from scratch and deal with the typical difficulties associated with the early development phase of business ideas. Some examples? Finding the right co-founders, identifying the target audience, testing the product/service tests and preparing an investor pitch.

A continuous commitment is required for the entire duration of the course. Attendance at seminars and workshops in Milan is also required.

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Meet the Program Director

Augusto Coppola

In the startup field for over twenty-five years, Augusto began his career as a founder of international startups, working with clients, partners and investors from all over the world. Since 2010, he changed perspective and decided to commit himself to venture capital, focusing on startups in the early stages of their life, holding roles as Co-Founder of InnovAction Lab and Managing Partner of Cloud Accelerator.

Feb 23

Applications deadline
The application period closes and our team begins the process of candidates selection.

Mar 15

Start of the program
The selected candidates begin their 4-month program.


End of the program
The teams will present their business idea to a panel of judges who will select the 6 best ideas.

Jul 8

Demo day
The best teams will pitch to a community of angels and VC funds, and the winning projects will be announced.

Contents of the program


Soft skill per imprenditori
Founding team e company culture


Definizione di un business concept
Trend e temi di interesse


Strumenti e metodologie per il set up di una startup
Tecniche di prototipazione


Approcci Lean per sviluppare una startup
Pitch the problem


Come prendere decisioni data driven
Digital Marketing & micro dati


Come strutturare un sales plan
Comprendere le corporate


Sales tool
Fireside chat


Comprendere il Venture Capital
Costruire ed effettuare pitch efficaci
Strumenti e tecniche per il processo di vendita


Fireside chat
Lavoro sul progetto


Prove di pitch


Prove di pitch


Fireside chat
Lavoro sul progetto


The program consists of a series of weekly and weekend sessions (totaling 16 weeks), including seminars, workshops, webinars, fireside chats, mentoring sessions and pitches.

See the agenda

Is this for you?

  • The program is open to all aspiring startup founders, preferably (but not exclusively) from the university environment (students, alumni, researchers, professors);
  • No need to have an initial business idea. Startups and associated teams will be created from scratch during the program;
  • Future Founders Program takes place mainly in Milan. Please note that attendance is mandatory;
  • As the contents of the program will be in Italian, a thorough knowledge of the Italian language is required.
  • Only individual applications are accepted (it is not possible to apply as a team).

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The selection process

What happens after you click the "Apply Now" button?

We will ask you to send:

  • A motivational letter explaining why you want to join the program
  • Your CV

The reference ecosystem
and the role of MUSA

The Future Founders Program has been implemented by B4i - Bocconi for Innovation as part of MUSA (Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action - PNRR, Mission 4, component 2, investment 1.5), the innovation ecosystem funded by the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca as part of the Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR).

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